In Search of Streams and Mountains

Prologue: In Search of Streams and Mountains, porcelain, wood, plexiglas, metal rod, h. 15" x w. 34" x d. 10", 2010

detail of Prologue: In Search of Streams and Mountains

detail of Prologue: In Search of Streams and Mountains

Traces: In Search of Streams and Mountains, paper, foam tape, h. 15" x w. 15", 2010

of syllables, hair, foam core board, mono filament, h. 12 1/8" x w. 47"x d. 1" (framed diptych), 2008

detail of of syllables

linear journey, foam board, hair, sewing pin, h. 1 1/2" x w. 16" x d. 5", 2006

Toward the Asiatic Hills, doily parts, thread, fabric, h. 29" x w. 31", 2010

to the garden path, doily parts, thread, fabric, h. 29" x w. 27", 2010

detail of to the garden path

Mongyudowondo (Sleepwalking around the Peach Garden), Installation View, Oakland University Art Gallery, Rochester, MI, recycled paper, thread, size variable, 2009

detail of Mongyudowondo

Thresholds/Blue Mountain (1st version), porcelain, wheel-thrown & trimmed, dimension variable, 2010

detail of Thresholds/Blue Mountain (1st version)

Thresholds/Blue Mountain (2nd version), porcelain, wheel-thrown & trimmed, dimension variable, 2013

Blue Mountain, porcelain, mono filament, h. 3' x w. 4' x d. 1/2", 2012

detail of Blue Mountain

Ceng Ceng Shan, porcelain, size variable, 2013

Ceng Ceng Shan, porcelain, size variable, 2013

Layers of Mountain, installation view, Hunter College CUNY, porcelain, mono filament, metal pin, 2003

detail of Layers of Mountain

detail of Layers of Mountain

Seize the Flower in the Mirror, colored porcelain, dimension variable, 2013

Catch the Moon in the River, colored porcelain, dimension variable, 2012

In Memory of Haejung, colored porcelain, dimension variable, 2013

Dear Mother diptych, 2015, porcelain, glaze, h. 18 ¾” x w. 35” x d. 1 ½”

exhibition view Clayarch Gimhae Museum, I Blooming Somewhere Else I, 2016, h. 32 ¼” x w. 299” x d. 12”

Moon Garden, porcelain, stoneware, h. 12.5” X 32.5", 2016

detail of Snow Flower, 2015, porcelain, glaze, h. 17” x w. 46”

Moon Shadow 2014-16 detail, paper, mixed media, h. 23” x w. 30”

exhibition view, Seoul, Korea

Fragments of Memory II, 2016, porcelain, glaze, decal, h. 20 ½” x w. 25 ½”

detail of Blooming Somewhere Else I

Fragments of Memory I, 2016, porcelain, glaze, decal, h. 25 ½” x w. 51” x d. ½”